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Inspirations From The Author: May 18, 2024

Over the course of recent years, I have had several life experiences that initiated a journey of searching and hunger to better understand the heart of my Maker in the midst of what I viewed as a broken and troubled world. Along the journey, I had several supernatural encounters. Although I have refrained from publicly documenting the specific details of the things that were revealed to me through these encounters (I only had a witness beside me once), I did take note of the experiences themselves in order to help keep the revelations alive in my heart and mind.

Through these encounters, I was shown concepts that go against everything I've been brought up to believe about what qualifies an individual as God's child and what doesn't. in light of the pushback that would most certainly follow, sharing this information has been difficult.

As a result, in the midst of it all, my biggest calling has been (and still is) to just live out what I was shown and try not to feel compelled to tell everybody 'The way' unless circumstances require it, and the strong leading is there. In certain situations, I have felt a strong prompting to speak up, and in those instances, words flowed naturally.

I've tried to keep in mind that what God showed me, may not be what God will show someone else. For this reason, my participation in topics surrounding religion, theology, and spirituality have often been more from a standpoint of asking questions and encouraging critical thought from every angle, keeping in mind that >> Tho we are all here for the same mission, we are not all here for the same purpose.

I am thankful for the friends that loaned an ear, during what started out as a rollercoaster of searching scripture, researching history, and asking questions. These few friends have truly been a rock in the journey. for those who chose to step away from me during the most intense part of the chapter of searching, I understand, and think no less of you. I too, understand how it is to need to step away from individuals under certain circumstances.

The journey of truly searching scripture started in 2018. The three supernatural experiences happened between 2020 and 2022.

Below is what I documented back in 2022 (without sharing specific details). There are only a handful of people that I've felt comfortable with sharing the descriptive details and enlightening information throughout the journey of these encounters. My gratitude goes to those few for allowing me to offload without returning judgment. (even if I came across overwhelming at times). For anyone else who has any interest, perhaps the piece below will in some way resonate with you in your own journey. If so, may God bless it, if not, this website is a good place to keep it safe for my own reminder.

An 'experience' can change almost everything about how you look at life.
It's hard to 'trump' experience.
Especially a 'supernatural experience'.
Especially when you never asked for it...
But it happened...
...Not just once
...Not just twice
 But three times...

● The first time on the physical level. (Year 2020)
(I say 'physical level' this because I was very well aware of my surroundings. This experience may have been the first time I ever felt an 'alignment' and 'coming together' of my spirit, soul, and body.)

● The second time on the spiritual level. (Year 2021)
(I say 'spiritual level' because my spirit was taken up in the presence of God. There was only reality and energy involved in our interaction and what He showed me. I never spoke through this encounter, however, as He showed me things about some of the people I know and love, He could read my mind and answered any question that was there. I can't say that my spirit was present in my body during this experience as I found myself in the sky, or other places observing situations as the Spirit of the Lord was beside me showing me a glimpse of humanity from His view.) This was not a dream. this happened in broad daylight. The last thing I remember was just doing laundry while listening to the reading in my Bible app. when I reconnected to my body, I was lying in bed. the washer was still running and my Bible app still reading.

● The third time on the soul level. (Year 2022)
(I say 'soul level' because of all the feeling and emotion that was involved with this supernatural experience. This one had a brief separation of body, but there was much emotion involved rather than just a sense of energy/reality as had happened in the previous separation.) This was the only of the 3 where I had a witness beside me.

When you grow up in a denominational setting where personal, spiritual-supernatural experiences are highly skepticized... what happened to me is hard to talk about. Most won't listen. Few will understand.

With cautious assurance and sometimes tearful prayer while seeking the heart of the Father through new eyes of spiritual revelation, one thing I know for sure... I can never doubt the power of the Holy Spirit that still moves, reveals, comforts, and guides in this age.
Yes. Even sometimes in radical, supernatural ways.
Yes. Even sometimes when you didn't ask for it or weren't prepared for it.

If God chooses you to channel a radical supernatural revelation. Don't push it away.
Embrace it, but don't let arrogance set in. Always honor those around you.
Stay humble.
Keep searching out the scriptures.
Never forget that you still have the human element of yourself to contend with.

Acts 2:17–18 (NKJV)
‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions,
Your old men shall dream dreams.
And on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days;
And they shall prophesy.

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