Reach For The Bible 

Join the journey of discovery as we explore topics of theology, and study the Bible through the lens of Content, Context, and Culture.


Reach For The Bible is a place to present educational content, and expository studies relating to the Near Eastern, and Early Christian culture in which the story of the Bible was written. 

You will also find, here, some of the most basic, simple studies of scripture as well as the exploration of more abstruse and forgotten manuscripts that will aid in bringing the received text to life within its own context.

The ultimate mission is to grow in our understanding of God's love and the mission of Jesus Christ.

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Insisting that the King James Version is the only valid ...

But I say, have they not heard? Yes indeed: “Their ...

When God's people seek earthly political power, or participate in ...

Bible Study Tools

In-depth studies, Commentary & Resources on Bible topics

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Educational & in-depth studies of theology and the Bible through the lens of Content, Context, and Culture.


A place to find commentary that relates to the studies and articles published here.


An in-depth Scripture bank used for the study, cross-linking and references in the articles published here.

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